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From the industrial revolution, to the CNC revolution, Lincoln Electric is your partner in manufacturing, innovation, and craftsmanship.
Our cutting systems business was born from the belief that every shop should have access to technology. We continue that legacy today with our line of shape cutting machines that spam from our 2x2 table top, to our 12’x 40’ X tables. We are here to help, give us a call today and let us design the right machine for you.
(775) 673-2200
You can also learn more by visiting any of the below sections of the website:
If you want to learn more, first tune in to our Webinars! These are live shows where you can ask questions and get answers in real time. Go here for Lincoln Electric Cutting Systems Webinars
If you need help with CAD/CAM software visit our CAD/CAM web page here.
Would you like to learn more about all the different types of CNC tables we offer? For 2v2, 2x4, and 4x4 sized tables check out our Growth Series™ here and watch our videos!
If you would like a larger sized Bolt Together table take a look at our Classic and Torchmate 3 tables here.
You can also view our Resource Center for a large list of videos that can help you with all aspects of your CNC table.
Finally, see our Youtube Channel for all of our latest video releases!