Torchmate Version 4 Multi-Tool Set up Guide
First, you will want to open up Torchmate CAD (Version 7.1.1, 8.1, or EDU is compatible). Go to [Machine > Tool Library]
Next you will notice the current tools you have in your library.
This is where you will add your Plate Marker tool. To create a new tool, simply start typing in the “Name” box. After typing in Plate Marker, click on “D1” which is highlighted below. Change “D1” to “0.030”.
Hit the “Enter” key on the keyboard and it will turn blue. Now click on “Turret” and change it to “2” and hit “Enter” on the keyboard.
Finally, click on “Add” and you will notice the Plate Marker will be added to the list.
Now go to [Machine > Machining Defaults]
Click the arrow on “Selected Driver” and scroll down to “Torchmate Dual Tool Driver” and select it. Now click “Apply” and you’re done!
For the next phase of the setup, you will work in the Torchmate 4 Driver Software. Navigate to [Configuration > Programming > M-Code Definitions].
On the next screen you will notice a list of M-Codes and their descriptions.
You will need to change the “50” to “22” and “51” to “23” so that it looks like the picture below:
Next you will move down that same screen and change the “22” to “50” and “23” to “51” so that it looks like the picture below:
Now you will need to edit the macro associated with those M-Codes (50 and 51). If you click on the text that says, “IF #CURRTOO…” then a pop up arrow will appear.
Click on that arrow and an “Edit M-Code Macro” window will pop up.
Where it says,
M101 I1 “No Pierce Signal From AVHC”
Change the “50” to “22” so it looks like the picture below:
Click “OK” and then open the “Edit M-Code Macro” window for M-Code 23.
You should see this:
Where it says,
Change the “51” to “23” so it looks like the picture below:
Click “OK”.
Click below link view complete Multi Tool guide.